The worst boxing game on Xbox 360

User Rating: 4 | FaceBreaker X360
Out of the three boxing games out on the Xbox 350 (as of now: Prizefighter, FNR3, Facebreaker), Facebreaker is your worst bet.The game feels dated, with very few game modes, a very tough/frustrating career, and bland graphics.

Facebreaker is so hard that I couldn't make it past the second guy in career mode on easy! It is simply too fast, making it very hard to follow the action because the game does not give you enough response time to digest what is happening on screen. Add in the cheap shots that nearly kill you or highly damage you and you have a good understanding of what to expect from Facebreaker.

The only redeeming feature of this game is the character creation system. You can use a camera to turn yourself into a character, but if you don't have a Vision Camera, you can still create pretty much any celebrity you want. EA added a nice touch where you can download other people created characters. This feature is very fun and interesting, its just too bad the gameplay cannot follow suit.