User Rating: 3 | FaceBreaker X360
Let me start of by saying this...... DONT BUY THIS GAME. Ok this arcade boxing game is a button smashing game. It has horrible mechanics and it is totally broken. The computer is impossible to beat even at the easiest difficutly. The one thing that I found cool about this game is that you can download fighters off live like for example I got the joker which was pretty cool. The graphics arn't that great. There is also no strategy in the game so it is all button smashing. You might have a little fun if you play with a friend or someone over xbox live but you will probaly get bored after playing a few macthes cause all you do is button smash. It gets me mad how EA actually let this game go on shelves. This game is not even worth a rent in my opinion. I got it from gamefly yesterday and putting it back in the mailbox today. I feel bad for anybody who actually bought this game. Just do me and yourself a favor and don't but this game.