You can pick a better fighting/boxing game then this.

User Rating: 3 | FaceBreaker X360
When it comes to boxing games, Mike Tyson's Punch-Out comes to mind as being a great all around boxing experience. It was challenging but not so much that you couldn't get to Mike and try to beat him. Lets take that concept (boxing) and mix it with a fighting type game and lets call it "Facebreakers".

The idea sounded nice at the time and the character customization is a wonderful part of the game but lets face it, that was the best thing about the game. The gameplay isn't realistic, the controls are a bit out there and I couldn't wait to drop this back off at my local rental store.

The gameplay seems simple at first glance but that can be deceiving. The idea is to knockdown your opponent 3 times before the three rounds are up. After that, there is a "sudden death" which will determine the winner. When just playing on the easiest level on the game, my opponents started to pound me into submission with win after win after win. The concept of starting slow and moving your way up to harder opponents doesn't seem to strike EA Canada's fancy. The idea of trying it on the hardest level didn't pass my mind as I was already frustrated with easy.

The controls also look easy but with the fast pace action of the game, those also can be confusing. Pressing the X button will do a high punch, A button will do a low punch, B will throw and Y will do a harder punch which is also linked to your "facebreaker" move(s). When playing the game, doing any of these simple move can place hits on your opponent but do some of the more harder hits can help you win the game. Remembering and combining those hits while during game play won't just hurt your opponent but also your fingers as well. This game isn't a button mashing game and does take skill so if you a quick with your fingers and want a challenge, I think this game is for you.

The graphics aren't bad for a cartoon-like atmosphere but aren't wonderful enough to cheer about. The customization of your player is amazing and have some great ways to create fictional and non-fictional characters to box with like "The Joker" or "Borat". The other static characters in the game have their ups and downs depending on which one you are looking at. Characters like "Ice" and "Sparrow" are cool characters with a hint of Samuel L. Jackson and Riku (from Kingdom Hearts) respectively. Then you have other characters like "Steve" and "Romeo" who make you want to NOT be a gamer anymore.

The sound track in the game is also a bright spot for this game but still doesn't cover up the mistakes and bad gameplay found through out this game. Tone Loc, From First To Last and Dropkick Murphys help you get pumped up to get your butt kicked by the computer opponents.

The final word on this game would be a NOT WORTH IT in my book. Not even if it comes out for the bargain bin at your gaming store would I advise anyone to buy this game.