You guys are too mean to this, it's not that bad... Sometimes the game is just unfair though

User Rating: 6.5 | FaceBreaker X360
This game is not for your hardcore gamer. If anyone was expecting this to be like, super awesome that's probably why you think it's bad. I approached this game with a non serious touch, I wasn't expecting it to be good but after playing for a while, it's pretty enjoyable. It's definetly no Soul Calibur or Tekken. But it's really something different and I think it's pretty cool. The only thing I don't like is the way the created characters look, it really ruins the feel of the game. The wacky and cartoonish geometry of the regular characters in the game gives the game what it needs. But when the created characters are put in the game, they look like real people and it just makes the game feel like it supposed to be serious. Seeing them have googly eyes when they get punched is just stupid. The gameplay is very fast paced and responsive, perfect for button mashing. But the tutorial doesn't really go into depth on the way things work in the game. So just picking up the game is kinda hard to do. And I don't like that every character works the same way mostly, but the gameplay really just rolls over all the bad stuff making up for it bit. Borrow this from a friend and you'll probably understand what I'm talking about. As soon as the price drops about 20-30 bucks it will be worth the money.

-This game is not for your hardcore gamer.
-I approached this game with a non serious touch
-It's definetly no Soul Calibur or Tekken.
-it's really something different and I think it's pretty cool.
-I don't like is the way the created characters look
-The gameplay is very fast paced and responsive
-just picking up the game is kinda hard to do.
-gameplay really just rolls over all the bad stuff making up for it bit
-As soon as the price drops about 20-30 bucks it will be worth the money.