Saw this game in the bargain bin... now I know why.

User Rating: 1.5 | FaceBreaker PS3
I saw this game in the bargain bin and figured I'd check it out to pass some time. This game has numerous failings. While the face composition creator is good, it does not allow you to customize much of the character's overall appearance. The gameplay is repetitive and can only be referred to as time-killing. The character's, while amusing, eventually lose their charm. While the music/sound track added to the game is very good, the fact that it doesn't play during the majority of the game wastes a strong component. While I'd like to give a B for effort regarding this game I can't get past how it never lives up to what it could be.

This game is best suited to be played with friends for short periods while visiting. It doesn't have any story and requires little to no background. While it may take some time to pick up the fighting style, overall it relies more on player reflexes than actual skill.

The graphics of the game are nice. They are not on the same level of other games and could definitely be more original, but they are not hard on the eyes and have some comic styling. It would have been a significant contribution if they could have provided more to the character creation component at least. The ability to make unique boxers would have been a strong positive for this game that instead falls flat.

The best I can say about this game is that if a sequel were to be released I'd be interested and probably pick it up... if it too were in the bargain bin.