FOM was around for a while but recently (7/11) got a face-lift.

User Rating: 5 | Face of Mankind PC
In its present form FOM has a nice look but the company as no feelings for miners,explorers or manufacturers, they are coddling only the 'Premium' (paid) pvpers at the cost of chasing the other players away. In three days without drawing a single weapon or wearing any armor to provoke it, I was killed 8 times, mostly standing working at a mining or manufacturing machine,and looted. Everything in game costs, while having time to mine and manufacture to make money is extremely limited by deaths, one after another.

Even FTP players get a tutorial and 10k in credit to start,but you'll soon find your getting hunted like a massive FPS with your loot as the prize. I hope the new company realizes that this is what killed it before, and start making things better for more types of players.

To be honest the patches I saw and information I read on their site says a new company has bought it or has made some type of arrangement to run it, I hope they have better people than what the original company had. They have a nice piece of real-estate, as far as looks goes, if they just add some safe zones for players that don't want to be a living target, and let them do their work in peace, then the players and economy of FOM will make a serious recovery. If not...oh well.