Try it if you are lonely and feel like helping a distressed couple

User Rating: 5.5 | Facade PC
This is a very strange free internet game that places you in between an arguing couple and the goal is to make them happy. You can say whatever you want, but the freedom of speech is surprisingly limited.

Graphics: 2.5/10

The graphics in this game are horrid. The two main characters, Trip and Grace, often look deformed and you can go through furniture and walls. The background is terrible.

Sounds: 6.0/10

There isn't much to say here. The only sounds in the game are the character's voices.

Gameplay: 6.5/10

You basically have the option to say anything you can possibly think of to this arguing couple. You may think this would prove to be a fun and very unique game, but it really isn't. 80% of the things you say just cause the two to get uncomfortable and often times kick you out of their house. If you say thinks pertaining to their argument, they will either ignore you or take it the wrong way. A game like this has the potential to be wildly immersive, but this game here is a dud.

Replay Value: 6.5/10

With a large option of sentences available, one would think you could replay the same situation over and over. That just isn't true as the dialogue repeats itself over and over and there are only a few things you can actually say that trigger sensical responses.

Overall: 5.5/10

I would reccomend you try this game, but only because it's free. It's good for a couple chuckles and you can actually try to solve their issues (which only took me two tries). But I wouldn't keep it around for long. It also takes a lot of space and memory to run.