Fable 2 falls flat in some aspect but Molyneux creates a world so detail and beatiful that you will forget its flaws.

User Rating: 8 | Fable II X360
Fable one was visually one of the best games on the console but what really made the game so special for me was its story. Fable 2 commits social suicide by changing that. Its story of revenges feels too familiar for its own good. The setting, art design and visual set the tone right for fable 2 but its questionable script choices and lack of cinematic quality makes this game a mix bag. But with all its flaws and frustration fable 2 manage to be a great game.

You will lose yourself through Albion for hours and hours, buying, selling and decorating your new home. Making fun of the town's people and doing funny side mission it is all there, but its mayor draw point for me was its faithful companion. The dog in fable 2 brings something new to the table and it's the only emotional link you will have in the game. The game is fuel by small encounters full of wit and humor but sadly the main dish was served cold. The main quest in fable 2 fails in many ways is not a bad story but falls really flat for what it could have been. Instead of having a cinematic view of the events that are happening to you, for some reason Peter Molyneux thought by using zoom you felt more attach to game but sadly it was a rotten choice.

Aside from that you don't really care much about the other heroes. The most interesting of the three appear in the last 15 minutes of the game wasting is true potential as a persona inside the fable universe.Gameplay wise the game is over simplistic but the fable franchise is no stranger to that problem. You have range weapons you choose from a variety of rifle and guns that are new elements inside the game. Aside from that we have magic and sword we all know and love with a few extras. What is great about its game play being over simplistic is that you can mix and match between styles and that help a great deal combat wise. It's a great feeling when you're using the inferno spell and finishing up the enemies with a shot to the head with a rifle.

Gameplay wise fable 2 is fine it is not great by any means but is a lot of fun. One drawback for this installment of the franchise was the lack of armors the only armors that appear in the game are via dlc. Also you don't die period, you may loose xp but you will revive in the same spot and there is no way of dying and starting in a checkpoint. I know you are a hero and you can't die or fail but this choice makes the game feel extremely easy and not challenging in any way. Another problem I had with games are the controls sometimes the feel to imprecise. The greatest addition to this game is the economy you buy a house rent or sell for a higher price. You can also buy establishment that will give a profit every few minutes it's a great system and you can choose to lower or make higher the profits that you receive from each establishment. The presentation on fable 2 is stellar but that is always has been the case with lionhead studio. From the great amount of detail of each town to its atmosphere fable 2 has it all.

Bottom line is fable 2 is a great game but not perfect its story is mediocre and you wish it was more to it. But there something inside of the world of Albion that will sucks you in for hours of entertaining and you will learn to ignore most of its fault so you can enjoy this game to its fullest.