I'm not sure is this game a really RPG ?!!

User Rating: 5 | Fable II X360
I have mixed feelings about Fable 2.In the same time I liked it and disliked it too. First of all I don't feel alright about my character's appearance. When I how we can do about it in games like remember Dragon Age, I felt this is a very poor thing to do in this game with so many colors and names but without deep content. Another thing that I didn't like is about conversations. We should listen to them and act like a robot, not any chances to react as what we feel alright to do. But this game is not that bad at all. There is a beautiful world to discover with funny people and amazing design. We have a chance to interact with other people in a way we like and choose to be good or evil. This part is the greatest feature of this game for sure. Fighting is fun and there are nice weapons to buy. In many ways it's a kind of RPG that don't like a real RPG. But still attracts you and lets us fill our spare time with something cool but not yet perfect.