Fable returns in an awesome and addicting sequel...

User Rating: 8.5 | Fable II X360
When the first Fable was released 4 years ago, it was one of the best RPGs I ever played. However, I never expected a sequel to come out of it. Now, finally after 4 years of waiting, Fable 2 improves on its predecessor for one highly addicting adventure.

I can't really tell too much of the plot because even the beginning has too many spoilers but it takes 500 years after the first Fable and instead of the medieval theme like most RPGs have (including the first Fable), Fable 2 gives us a Colonial theme. You have the option to be a boy or a girl this time too. The only problem is, like the first game, the main quests altogether are WAY too short. In fact, I think this game might be shorter than the first. However, there are a ton of side quests and there's even more after you beat it. When you're done with the side quests, there's even more to do still.

Like the first Fable, you have the choice to be either good or evil and the effects are pretty similar to before (good = everyone loves you and you have a halo, evil = everyone fears you and you grow horns and your skin turns pale). However, there is now also purity and corruption, which can be altered depending on what you do in the game. You also have the choice to be a swordsman or a mage like the first game but the long bow has been replaced by guns (although the cross bow is still available).

The dog is probably one of my favorite features of this game. Your dog is your best friend in this world and your choices inspire his look and personality (if your good, your dog's fur turns into a yellowish color and he's nice but if you're evil, he's more aggressive and his fur turns black). You can praise your dog, punish your dog, play fetch or give him a treat. When he gets hurt, you can heal him as well. He doesn't really fight but he attacks enemies while they are down. The main purpose of your dog is finding enemies and treasure. He'll bark if there are enemies up ahead and he'll let you know if there is a treasure chest nearby or even a dig spot.

There are many ways to make money this time around too. You can play pub games either outside of the game in the "Fable 2 Pub games" available from the XBLA or you can play the games in the, well, pubs. You can buy out as many buildings as you can and collect your total income every 5 minutes (which is automatically given to you) and you can also adjust the prices of the rent (raising it will make you more corrupt). Lastly, you can take jobs which are available all around Albion. Most jobs (blacksmith, wood cutter, and bartender) in the game just involve pushing "A" at the right time but the more you work, the more money you earn from the job. Other jobs (bounty hunter, assassin, and citizen displacement) involve going out somewhere and completing a task (bounty hunter eliminates a certain group of enemies, assassin kills a certain person, sometimes under certain conditions, and citizen displacement is looking for a villager who meets certain features and selling them into slavery).

You also have the option to get married in this game much like the first but there's much more too it. Villagers have certain characteristics about them like what personality they have, what gifts or expressions they like and hate, and what places in Albion they like or hate. Once your married, you can have sex in this game like the first one but this time, you can actually have children. Your kid is usually like you, if your good, then your kid is good. If you're evil, your kid is aggressive.

Another brand new feature in this game is co-op. You can bring friends into your own world on Xbox Live or on the same system (although on a local system, your friend must choose a different hero for their appearance). Anything that your friend gets in your world (experience, gold, etc) gets transferred back to his/or own world. From what I've played, co-op is pretty fun.

I can go on for a little while longer about every little detail about this game but this was a hard game to review. At least I gave you the basic ideas of what this game has to offer. Fable 2 is an epic and addicting RPG that I recommend to anyone who liked the first Fable or just wants a new RPG experience.

I can't wait for Fable 3. :)