It's not flawless, but F1 Career Challenge is a very solid game worth playing, and you will freak if you are an F1 fan.

User Rating: 8.5 | F1 Career Challenge PS2
Imagine a game where you can play the 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002 seasons of F1...with today's graphics. You're imagination's paid off...IT'S HERE. That's right! F1 Career Challeng, the sequel to F1 2002, lets you play from the previous four seasons of Formula One Racing. You may think this is one of those thinks that you don't really know what to thing of it. It's good, don't worry. Now, I'm a racing fan of all racing series, but I'm not going to lie to you, F1 races are boring. I don't know why, but the races don't seem that enjoyable. Those annoying foreign commentators don't help either. When you play the game though, you really do get the full F1 experience. You also get to experience racing against Alex Zenardi with legs once again (for those of you who don't know, Alex Zenardi was in an F1 accident where his car broke in half, and his legs were in one half of the car and his body in the other; doctors acted quickly to save his life, and he now has two fake legs). You get to create your own racer, choose a helmet, and choose a sponsor. The problem here is that you only get about five face choices, four helmet choices, and three sponsor choices. Then you start the 99 season. The better you do, the more points you get. The more points you get, the more stuff you can unlock for get the idea. YOUR POINTS CAN ALSO BUY YOU THOSE HOT CHICKS THAT STAND IN FRONT OF YOUR CAR BEFORE THE RACE BEGINS! The graphics in this game are pretty darn flawless. Yeah, the faces suck, but you only see about five seconds of them when you're getting in or out of your car. It is not very easy to drive an F1 car...okay, it's virtually impossible. Yes, this IS one of those games where you actually HAVE to press the brake button to turn successfully. Oh, no, now you lazy people won't be buying this game. But, it's like driving a stickshift car in real life: it's tough at first, but once you get the hang of it it's the most fun thing in the world. The sound? It is what it is. Great quality F1 car, pit, and (this is the downfall) annoying crew chiefs with those god awful accents that you can't understand a freaking word they're saying! The F1 car and pit sounds are really good too. You can also hear the water splashing in rainy weather, I do NOT get that in LEMANS for the Commodore 64, thank you very much. Like I said, I like this game, it's going to see a lot of life in my PS2. This is a game worth renting, then buying. I'm sure 95 percent of you will buy it after renting it, though, because it is truly amazing. 8.5 out of 10. +Gorgeous graphics +Four F1 seasons +All F1 licensed drivers and cars -Very difficult -Annoying crew chiefs -No online play!