Everything the inner speed demon within you could ever love and more.

User Rating: 9.5 | F-Zero GX GC
I've always wanted to play an F-Zero game ever since trying out the first F-Zero game a couple years back. When F-Zero GX was announced for the GameCube in early 2003, I was filled with a lot of excitement, probably enough to crap a brick. But aside from that, let's see why this game is SO VERY GOOD.

The game gives you 30 racers and 15 race courses to begin with, with the total number of racers numbering 40+ and 26 race courses in the end if you manage to unlock everything- that is, IF you are able to overcome the massive challenges the game throws at you. The difficulty of F-Zero GX is downright brutal. Only a true video game master could expect to beat every aspect of F-Zero GX (I managed to unlock all but two of the hidden racers and all race tracks during my time with this game) and that's saying a lot. The difficulty doesn't stem from the pure sense of speed alone; lightning-fast reflexes are required to make it through each of the 26 courses (which greatly ramp up in difficulty as you progress) and the 9 unique chapters in the even-harder Story Mode, which follows Captain Falcon through his upcoming Grand Prix venue.

Running at 60 frames a second, F-Zero GX could not get any more smoother. You feel a great sense of speed just cruising through every track (everything comes at you at a blur), using your boosters to gain speed at the cost of dropping your shield energy can be risky, as any bump or nudge can send you to the bleachers. The high-speed action is great though. I think I'm going to search out another used copy just to play this gem one more time,,,