Really theres only one game you need in life, and that game would be F-ZERO GX

User Rating: 10 | F-Zero GX GC
It is fair to say F-ZERO has had a relitavelly rocky ride similar to other speed based games such as Sonic the Hedgehog from the instant classic F-ZERO SNES to the letdown F-ZERO maximum velocity to the despicably F-ZERO 2 SNES, which I havn't played I just know its bad if its rating can't surpass 6.0 but like Sonic F-ZERO has trully picked itself up with this, the best racing game for Gamecube and possibly my favourite game of all time, abeit I havn't played every game of all time.

To introduce someone to F-ZERO you must mention speed, amazing music and thats really about it but F-ZERO GX forgets about both, it dosn't look for speed it looks for jaw breaking speed it dosn't look for great metal or rock music it looks for very fitting techno style music, almost. The music is an issue with the game it does suit the futuristic style of the game a lot better and has good tunes but considering F-ZERO's music was as famous as Sonic's its ashame they removed the classic tunes and metal/rock aspect.

Never the less this game certainly has good music by a video games standard, it suits it very well especially the futuristic graphics and considering it as any game the music is very good indeed, as an F-ZERO game mabey not so depending on you're style.

There is a huge variety of options with held in F-ZERO GX with 9 menu optoins start you off and there is ofen many options within this is particulary evident in the custom option.

The custom option is perhaps where you should look first as it houses the shop, emblem making tool and garage. The shop is allways good to browse to see what vehicles you should buy next and get further in the game there is 41 vehicles to unlock through the shop, grand prix and story combined. Making emblems is allways fun unless you have a short temper span me being me I made a PEPSI logo but theres all sorts off things you can make, it handles much like microsoft paint just with slightly more accurate controlls. The garage is not worth you're while staright of but get some cash unlock some parts and spend it in the shop and collect at least say 10 parts then you can mix and match 3 parts for you're own custom machines, infact 4 per memory card! You can also choose the rider, colour and attach 4 emblems onto each craft you make there are all kinds of crafts you can make, from jet planes to space soucers, later on mind and hover tanks... infact with added help of the emblem maker just about anything you can thing of... but not Mario sorry.

The grand prix mode at first looks very normal there is novice, standard and expert levels as you'd expcet, 3 cups like the start of Mario Kart double dash!! with 5 course each and a varying number of lifes per mode, in F-ZERO you will need lifes trust me. Then you get further on in the game expect 5 cups with 5 courses each and you can unlock a minor course to total 26 standard courses avaliable in the time trial and practice option. Time trial is as you'd expect, 3 laps in the quickest time do it quick and the staff ghost is avaliable in the shop and you get paid for beating the ghost and even for getting a decent time as such. Practice has no save options but is the most customisable racing mode and is the best almost definetly, you can choose how many oponents to race against from none up until 30, any number inbetween and how many laps up to 20 or enfinity so you can stop whenever you feel like.

death race, I wish I could say they kept the death race but they didn't but I'll tell you how to prefrom one. Go to Practice choose 30 riders or less and ajust the respawn option so that when you fall or get knocked out you stay knocked out or loose if its you the player. Just spend you're time spin attacking and side attacking you're oponents.

The options option, confusing huh is very usefull as you can change the controlls to you're liking make it as simillar to the 64 F-ZERO, F-ZERO X's as possible if you're moving on or make the controlls as simple as possible. Also this is quick access to deleting ghost, emblem and replay data which can be usefull.

The story mode is good but difficult and short. It features 9 levels in total each with an introductory movie and there own unique graphics not seen in the grand prix mode at all some include fire on the tracks which slow and harm you. You play through as Captain Falcon only and look out for level 2... it the only place in the game where Red Canyon is featured and one of the three tunes able to rival F-ZERO X's music along with the Original big blue and mute city theme unlockable later in the game I believe via completing Master mode, the final grand prix mode, and purchasing the tunes in the shop.

Finally the tracks featured in the game are breathtaking to heres a list of the areas to possibly get you a little excited inorder of difficulty to me personally,
green plant - casino palace - big blue - red anyon (stroy mode only) - fire field - lightning - outer space - motorway (story mode only) - aeropolis - trident - mute city - power plant (story mode only) - phantom road - hell (stroy mode only)
... and theres more but I'll leave that for you to discover

So all in all this game trully is fantastic and I highly recomend it, I thank you for you're time if you did read this full reveiw and feel free to contact me with any querys about this review and the game. It has been my pleasure to enlighten you about my favourite game at current.

EXACT SCORE - 10+ / 10