This F-Zero game is one of the most fast-paced racers out there, and though the gameplay gets hard, it's fun to play.

User Rating: 9 | F-Zero GX GC
This F-Zero game is one of the few that has a soul put into it. With most other F-Zeros, little or no dialog was present. In this one, a full story mode was put into it. And as an extra, each character has a story behind them, which can be read in their respective profiles. With it's high graphics, smooth controls, and excellent courses, F-Zero GX is faster than ever. The music blends in with the enviornment excellently, and the gameplay. This game has another feature of letting you build your own F-Zero machine to your liking.f It's easy to see how players can get aggresive during the mid-play given that you can attack other racers with either a slower long spinning attack, or a quick decisive bump. Each machine also comes with it's own feel in Body, Boost, and Grip. While racing, you will find yourself needing to memorize areas of the course in order to go in the best direction, or not to fall off the course (there by ending your race). The gameplay is fair given that (unlike other racing games) if you can race hard a fast, the computers won't mysteriously catch warp right next to you. The gameplay is simple at the Easy and Normal levels, but when you get into the hard levels, you'll likely have to deal with places below 10th.
I would strongly recommend this game to anyone who would enjoy racers.