One of my most favorite racing games of all time! The fastest and hardest one out so far!!

User Rating: 10 | F-Zero GX GC
This is the latest game out so far in the F Zero series. So far, there hasn't been any new FZero game for this generation of consoles. F Zero is a straightforward racing games that is very, very fast and dramatic. There aren't any things such as items in this game. The only way to damage the opponent is to ram into them. The game has a few speed burst areas which if you hit, make you go faster for a time period. As well there is something called booster, which makes your car go really fast in exchange for some of your car's health. In order to replenish health, you must go over a health area which you find in small sections in a course.

The graphics are just plain amazing. There are tons of stages in the game and each one is very detailed even while driving in such a fast car.

The music is very addicting and fun to listen to. I personally have fallen in love with songs like Big Blue and Mute City. These songs usually have good guitar solos.

The gameplay has changed drastically from other F Zero games. Even though the racing is the same, there is now a story mode which introduces awesome characters into the racing field. Also, you can customize parts in a car, or even build your own car. You can also design symbols that are on your F Zero car.

The difficulty is extremely high: The highest level difficulty is almost impossible to win in, and forces you to make perfect drifts and properly times speed boosts. As well, I found the story mode on the easiest difficulty to be extremely hard, and I haven't even finished it. This game has been ranked as one of the hardest games of all time.

Overall, I would give this game a 10/10 rating. It is a very addicting racer, with tons of characters and a TON of unlockables including music, parts, etc. The game is very hard and will take you a lot of time to learn all the courses well in order to finish it. It also has a very fun and competitive multiplayer mode.

Thanks for reading my review! ~ I hope my review was helpful and OK to read (this is my eight review)
