Creepy atmosphere and great gameplay makes this game awesome.

User Rating: 9.2 | F.E.A.R. PC
FEAR (First-Encounter-Assault-Recon) is a very well put together game and is very fun to play.

First off, the gameplay rocks. The single player centers around an elite soldier trained to deal with situations others can not even imagine. You are the hero in the spine-tingling epic of terror and tension/action. You fight against over a 1000 super soldier clones led by a creepy supernatual man.

There wasn't really a wide variety of enemies though, from just soldiers with the assualt rifles to the ATC to machine robots and the other type of soldier along with the demons. So really, only about five types of enemies isn't really that great; however, the way each mission is put together is slick and clean.

You need a great PC to see this game in best action. That is the only problem with this game to me is that it is a system hog. Therefore, if you have a great PC, this game looks astonishing and very sweet. From the blood splatters to the bullet fragments and the dust from the walls. Everything looks sweet.

The sound is very good, probably some of the best voice acting I've seen, other than Halo 2. The music is creepy and the voices are creepy. The sound of all the weapons and the sound from the environments are superb.

The Multiplayer adds to the replay value and keeps you playing for a little longer but it isn't as fun as you would think. I personally, enjoy it but I would rather play the single player again.

This game is a great game and if you like creepy first person shooters on the PC and you have High-end PC, you need this game to be added to your collection.