A good conclusion.

User Rating: 9 | F.E.A.R. 3 X360
I beat the first 2 installments in about 2 days so I very excited to see how everything ends and the return of point man. In this game you can play as either point man or his psychotic cannibalistic brother (Who is now a ghost due to point man putting a bullet between his eyes). They both have they're good and bad points but I will say the game is alot easier playing as feral. I was amazed at how good the graphics were and the gameplay has changed somewhat and for the better. The cutscenes were my personal favorite each of them were very well done. There are new enemies and they are much tougher than before. I like how they got rid of the use of med kits (even though I seemed to die more) and the fact that healing is pretty fast it seems. The story is pretty good and its great how they tie in the previous protagonist from 2. Overall a good conclusion to a great series. 9/10