Two Brothers

User Rating: 7.5 | F.E.A.R. 3 X360
I think at this point, the mythology of the F.E.A.R. games has collapsed in on itself. The story has evolved into something nonsensical and this third chapter has lost any, if not all of the frights that the first one managed to gather. Does this make F.E.A.R. 3 a bad game? No, in fact it's far from being a bad game. I'd actually say that this is one of the best two-player co-op games you can currently get your hands on and it shouldn't be missed for those who enjoy progressing through a solid campaign experience with a buddy.

If you've played the expansion pack for F.E.A.R. 2, then you will be familiar with Point Man, who is one of the two characters you can play as. The other is Paxton Fettel, cannibal psycho psychic dude who has been a series staple from the very beginning. Between the two of you, assuming that you're playing with someone else of course, you will team up to dish out some serious harm to your enemies. So much in fact that you're certain to attain a certain euphoria as you zip through levels decimating your enemies. And decimate them you do. There's something inherently satisfying about psychically suspending some dude in the air while your partner unloads a clip into him at close range, making him jiggle like some marionette. Or you can just make them explode outright in a fine mist of blood and gore. Point Man plays like a standard run and gun super soldier but Paxton adds a certain flair to the proceedings that makes things that much more fun. In the end, the game trades in it's well worn scare tactics for some solid co-op gameplay and it's a worthwhile trade.

The game also offers some online multiplayer modes, the best of which in my humble opinion being the "F***ing Run" mode that puts you and three others in front of a wall of smoke that kills anyone who can't manage to stay ahead of it. It's incredibly intense and a lot of fun if you can find people online to play along with you.

I like this game very much and it offers a significant amount of replay value for your dollar, which is one of the best compliments you can pay a game of this type. I would recommend this to fans of the series looking for a change of pace and to those looking for some good two man gameplay. Look elsewhere for scares or you'll be sorely disappointed.