Finally a music maker for the xbox. It isn't for everyone though.

User Rating: 8.5 | ezmuze+ Hamst3r edition X360
Well if you like good music makers that are cheap and come for the xbox than this is the right game. The game has some pretty good preset sound effects. You can make some catchy tunes and beats, and you earn different sounds over time.

Good: Good variety of sounds. Make some awesome music. Lots of possibilities with everything it gives you. You get more for your money if you like these kind of things.

Bad: You actually have to earn new sounds which requires you to sometimes make songs just to earn songs. Not enough guitar sounds. It is still expensive even if it is worth it.

Overall: Basically this is a good quality music maker where you can make some very unique music. If you aren't into these things than you won't really enjoy it. I think I still have to learn how to use it to its full potential, because I'm new to these kinds of things and my music doesn't sound that great. This games does give you a lot though.

A good game.