It's An Eyetoy Game So I'm Just Reviewing It For The Sake Of It

User Rating: 2.5 | EyeToy Play: Sports PS2
It's an Eye Toy game but it is a game so it deserves to be reviewed. The Eye Toy reception of you isn't always perfect and sometimes it is impossible to actually know how to play the game you are playing; namely archery and fencing. It is possible to cheat with some like instead of running you can just move your arms up and down. The games aren't very varied but there are on your own games 1 versus 1, 1 versus 2, 2 versus 2, 3 versus 1 and all versus all. There are no high scores so there is almost no use in playing it over and over apart from fun. There are multiplayer competitions and sometimes you'll have to score the most points or win games then get a choice of action in a soccer or football game depending on what you call it. There are not really any great points about this game apart from the use of the Eye Toy.