Uniquely Addictive Puzzle Game

User Rating: 9 | Exit PSP
When I first saw the preview movies, I knew I had to get this. A highly original premise of helping people to escape, with a puzzle format quite like Lemmings , pushing blocks around like Sokoban, and potentially dangerous situations a'la Lode Runner - all this brought together in an amazing puzzle platformer.

Exit brings to mind the old puzzle action games with a fresh look - cell shaded backdrops with charming charcoal stick figures. The graphics may look simple but it's done in so much style it's hard to hate the presentation. Each scenario has its own peculiarities, and introduces new mechanisms and hazards. From burning fires to shocking electricity to darkened rooms to submerged rooms - a lot of thought and care has gone into not only the puzzles, but the environment.

As you reach each victim, they become your companions whom you can ask to help - knowing what tasks to give your companions becomes crucial, without knowing how to use your companions properly and not knowing their capabilities will lead to frustration - and you'll end up dreaming about the level you've just gotten stuck on.

Control is good, but Mr Escape does feel sluggish at times - especially when trying to time that precision running jump, and sometimes your companions (a.k.a. people who need saving) are plain stupid, and can't seem to find the right path up or down stairs at times. The control scheme is well worked out, and fits the tasks at hand, whether you're trying to jump across that chasm or asking a friend to lend you a helping hand.

My only major gripe is the sound - it does get grating after a while (how many whiny "I need a shower"'s would you listen to?) - an option to tone down companion chatter wouldn't have gone amiss.

Pick up this game, you'll find that you've done the tutorial in no time at all, and the first couple of scenarios ought to exercise those long dormant puzzle muscles ... and, if by some miracle you've completed all the stages, and all the scenarios - there is downloadable content available (the first pack is just a time trial of the tutorial levels though), the second pack looks to be downright fiendish ...

It took me a long while to figure out 3-10, and I expect many more puzzle muscles to be pulled on my road to 10-10.

9/10. Brilliant job.