Excitebike is truly exciting but it's not for everyone.

User Rating: 8.4 | Excitebike 64 N64
Excitebike is a fun 64 racing game. It's cool because not only can you race but you can also do tricks and design your own course. However, Excitebike might be a little too real in it's physics to please everyone. Learning how to turn while sliding is especially tough and because it's on dirt it can result in spinouts which are very disorienting. So to put it simply this game has some initial hurdles that may ruin some of your experience with it, but if you play it with patience and learn to improve it will definately prove to be worthwhile. Also it has the classic NES Excitebike game that you can play which is still alot of fun. And if it doesn't come out on the Virtual Console than you should buy this game at least just for the old classic version or if you have a 64 and are looking for great racing games.