Beautiful - but so is outside.

User Rating: 4 | Everybody's Gone to the Rapture PS4

Anyone watching you walk around in this game might be dismayed by the beauty and environment. It's really impressive - and gamers will feel the same way - if they solely focus on the environment - not the game play.

If I was looking for an experience similar to one I might be looking for by visiting an impressive art gallery, this game would be great. If my rating were based on the games accomplishment in creating an interactive work of art complete with immaculate attention to detail, I'd give this game a 10.

As for the actual gaming experience, intrigue offered, and entertainment, the story and the objectives I found to be a 2/10 at best - not being dramatic. I lost all intrigue after about 20 minutes of playing. I never lost interest in Witcher 3 even after 80 hours of game play. The story was slow, the characters more than boring, the conversations were always dull... I never got motivated to continue to piece them together like a puzzle, and it really never left me on the edge of my seat or even remotely close. The light force isn't interesting either. They created a beautiful environment, really absolutely stunning, but the gaming experience inside the environment is one of the worst I have ever experienced.

Don't get me wrong. I read a lot of fiction. I can appreciate an extremely slow but well crafted story. This story is not impressive, all the way through the conclusion. The character development creates no emotional attachment to anything furthering the feeling that I want my time back. My biggest disappointment in plain is I feel that the story could have easily been 2x-5x as good with a few added elements and left a lot to be desired.

It's one of those art galleries that's worth seeing, but only when admission is free the first Friday of every month. I want my $20 back as I thought I was getting a game. Not a painting with nothing but a dull paragraph next to it.