User Rating: 9.6 | EverQuest Online Adventures: Frontiers PS2
To sum up the review,"Go buy this game!" I have been playing everquest everysince the pc version was out and made the switch to ps2, mainly because of the comfort and ease of just playing a massive game like this on the ps2 in front of the T.V. and on the couch. The original ps2 version was very nicely done but was surely lacking the in depthness of the class mastery system. The class mastery system now makes every person you encounter a totaly unique character with certain strengths and weaknesses. I also realy enjoy the graphic and sound enhancements. They are a very welcomed treat and add to the enviroment and excitement of this already enjoyable game. There is fog, and sand blowing around, falling fire, and most of all......GRASS! So now when you are walking around there is almost never a flat surface which adds to the realism of this game and when combined whith the new better looking characters, deffinetly adds to the satisfaction I get from playing this game. I also enjoy the varrying battle sound and music in the game which help spice up this game. Oh yeah and i almost forgot to mention, now you can have 10 abilitys memorized which realy helps out. This game is very very addicting once you get hooked, anyone even remotely interested in playing a dungeons and dragon kind of game should buy this game. I know this game usually doesnt hook most people right at the start but keep playing for at least 2 or 3 weeks then you wont be able to put it down and if you do, you will surely miss playing it and come back. overall this game is awsome and will only get better with the hard drive and future playstations. Everquest is here to stay. I will NOT be playing much final fantasy 11 either. THIS GAME ROCKS!