Everquest 2 begs the question: What were they thinking?

User Rating: 6 | EverQuest II (With Kingdom of the Sky Bundle) PC
Since the release of the first Everquest, I was a true fan of the Everquest series. The multiplayer was quite addictive and really revolutionised the graphics at the time. But this "sequel" really is bad. The only attractiveness is the graphics and its pretty much the old hack and slash gameplay. Graphics are just immersive (if there was good gameplay, that is). Sound is very simple. The real question: Is it worth paying a monthly fee and is it fun? Answer: Definately not. The quests are VERY irellevant (played a lot of quests at my friends place). Repetitive hack and slash gameplay will result in quitting this game (thats just my opinion) To sum it all up, this game is for the hardcore gamer only and I really recommend getting World of warcraft as its more FUN and IMERSSIVE than EQ 2.