Same old Everquest, but this time it comes with new eye candy.

User Rating: 1 | EverQuest II (With Kingdom of the Sky Bundle) PC
Much like other SOE titles this game released in a reprehensible condition, it was unplayable for a year. Yes Graphix are the only thing this game has, this game is linear without much innovation; not too mention that SOE released this game without having everyhting that they promised to be in-game.... Yep but don't be too surprised this is SOE after all they lie and mislead the customer into believing that they get what they pay for; but in truth the opposit is true.

Good - Graphix

The Bad.......
- Lag Lag and more Lag
- Linear Game play
- Features missing
- Endless nerfing - Classes are terrible
- Bugs Bug and more Bugs
- Not ready for release
- Combat system is horrible
- Character models and animations need work