I am probably the only one that at least sort of liked this game.

User Rating: 7.5 | Evergrace PS2
Evergrace, was, to some people a total letdown. I have to disagree. Evergrace offers a lot, although it might not be as much as other games. There is still deep armor and weapon customization, and lots of weapons and armor.

Evergrace is like a hack and slash RPG. Like Champions of Norath. Just not as good. The enemies are repetive and there aren't too many characters to interact with other than the shop keeper.

One annoying thing about this game is that sometimes, it feels like your playing dress-up or something. The game is full of places where you have to have a certain pair of boots, or certain set of armor or something to pass.

Moving on to the weapons. There are a lot of weapons in the game. Some are fast, some slow, so in the middle. Same with the strength of the weapons. Some are weak, some strong, some medium. Although this as been in RPG's for......... ever.

One big issue with the gameplay is that it feels like you are killing the same enemy over, and over, and over again. It gets repetive and even annoying. Also most of the areas are somewhat small. Making the game feel compressed, and thrown together sometimes. And some of the journals of stuff that you can find and read in the game don't offer any information at all and are a complete waste of time.

Evergrace sports some pretty decent music and decent sounds. It's nothing to get exctied about, but at least its not terrible.

The graphics in Evergrace aren't anything like Square-Enix. But they are still good. They just seem a little out-dated.

There is some decent value in this game. There are too characters with two completly different storylines to play through, but they don't really feel to different from each other.

Overall, Rent Evergrace first. It's not for everyone. But hardcore RPG fans might get a little bit from this game. Like me.