Internet Spaceships is Serious Business. A joke that points to the heart of the matter. This game is addictive!

User Rating: 10 | EVE Online: Special Edition PC
A single shard. Everyone has the ability to run into everyone else in the game. Unheard of. Then there is the scale of everything in the game. You can zoom in to see the details on a frigate that is little more than a speck beside a station, requiring you to burn your mouse wheel scrolling out to see it all.

When it comes to PVP, Eve-Online does it best. This is not limited to picking the right spell/sword/arrow for the right target, then sitting back to watch it die. This is not limited to sneaking up behind an enemy so you can slit his throat with your knife. This is not limited to minor tactical actions required to hold multiple points, capture a flag, or run around with a ball. These are the activities we graduate from in high school. You want something more complicated. Far, far more complicated. Welcome to Eve. The deeper you get in the game, the more every single thing you do means something.

This is a game where you are matching wits with attorneys, wealthy business men, politicians, code monkeys, aerospace engineers, accountants... this is a game where you will actually have to use your brain. If you want a game where you can play king of the world, this is not it. This is writhing dog pile of interaction. Bring your A-game.

Graphics. This game has graphics. Be careful not to be lulled by the shear beauty of the world. The rose has thorns. This beautiful world is deadly. But, take a moment every once in a while to marvel at the incredible detail of the world.

Audio. This game does not have audio worth listening to in the traditional sense. This is something they keep trying to fix, but fail to realize that no audio track, not audio effect will be more important than the sound of a fleet commander's voice saying "jump and engage... primary is..." This is the audio track we live for. Everything else only obscures the important audio.

Depth. When they say "you can do anything" they are not saying "presto, you are the leader of a bunch of people". That is something you have to earn. That is a right and responsibility which you may not really want to have. Everything else. EVERYTHING ELSE you can do. Ever been confronted with a character wandering around being annoying? Was your first reaction "kick him" but realized that you could not? In Eve, you can do more than laugh at them then try to avoid them.

In short, this is not your kid's barbie bash or hack and slash. This is a game to stimulate the sharpest of minds.