a great game with a great story but a little bit too short

User Rating: 8 | Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem GC
in this game you control a girl called Alexandra Roivas that is investigating the mysterious dead of her grandfather. after investigating the mansion of her grandfather she finds a book called eternal darkness, every time you find a page of the book you will take control over a character and revive the story of that person(you only control alexandra in the present) that had the book in his power some time ago.

the story of the game is great specially because some of the characters you control in the past never survive, giving you the sensation that even having special powers you don't are a superhero, but you are mortal.

the gameplay is basically the same as the most of this games, explore different places,fighting enemies and finding solutions or keys to advance, the differences to most of this games are the spells and a bar that shows you mental sanity, in the case that you mental sanity goes down you start to have visions that sometimes are frightening but always are a surprise that make you think "whats happening?".

in the first chapter you must make 1 of 3 choices that make the enemies of the rest of the game change(this choice is not as important as it sounds) you have to play the game three times to see the real ending

the bad sides of the game are that there aren't to much variety of enemies and places, if you wouldn't change the main character every half hour you would get bored after a few hours. and the game is definitely too short even if we try to get the real endings(that is only worth because the final enemy of one of the last levels changes depending on the decision you made at the beginning).