Eternal Darkness is a one of a kind game like nothing you have ever played before

User Rating: 9.5 | Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem GC
Well for me Eternal Darkness is one of the best games out there in a way it is survival horror but it is also a physcological thriller which it is the first of it's kind weird and creepy things happen all the time you never know whats around the next corner it is one of a kind and is very creepy if you have played horror games before and thought that they wern't scary this one has a couple scares in it has good controls good graphics for its time cool story great cast the only thing I wish is that it was longer but still it is one of the best games for the gamecube that I have ever played go out and get this game if you have a gamecube and haven't done so already it is an instant classic and is one of the most original games ever and a collectors item to boot if you don't get it now someday you'll wish you did