Incredible game, if you own a Wii or a Gamecube and you don't own this game, you are missing out!

User Rating: 9.5 | Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem GC
Eternal Darkness was released in 2002, immediately some might think that it is too old to even be playable anymore. They would be incredibly incorrect, to this day I still go through Eternal Darkness sometimes and it still manages to creep me out.

One of the great features from Eternal Darkness is the way it handles the "scares". The game actually breaks the fourth wall on several occasions depending on your characters "sanity meter", if it goes too high then effects will start happening. I don't want to ruin these effects for you, but needless to say they are incredibly spooky and on several occasions made me actually jump.

You play as several different characters during several different Eras, some from even hundreds of years ago. All of the central to the main character. I can't say much about the characters without spoiling it because part of the joy is finding out who you will be playing as next.

If you can still track down a copy of this wonderful game, immediately buy it! You will not be disappointed with this game.