An excellent take on the survival horror genre. Now its time for a sequel.

User Rating: 8.5 | Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem GC
Eternal Darkness was a game that grew on me the more I played it. You play as 12 different characters over different periods of time all of which are descendents of the Roivas family. The main character is the last in the family blood line named Alexandria who goes to her grandfathers mansion to discover him murdered. Sanity's Requiem has a good story that will suck you in if you give it a chance. Each character has his/her own chapter which will take 2 to 3 hours of gameplay to complete. Also every character controls a little differently which keeps the gameplay fresh and you learning throughout. The main aspect of the game is finding the book called the Tome of Eternal Darkness which each character will find along the way. This book also gives the player the ability to use magic which is a welcome addition in this genre. This game doesn't give you the creepiness of the Silent Hill series nor does it give you the jumpiness of the Resident Evil series. Instead it gives you the trippiness of the sanity meter. As you encounter the different enemies in the game you will slowly go insane if you do not finish them off. Once you go totally insane things get really cool as you might see things that aren't really there or think you are walking on the ceiling for instance. A really neat feature that was added to this game. The graphics are pretty good and the gameplay isn't bad for the genre. The game also has an excellent final boss that will give you plenty of satisfaction once you defeat it. Overall ED is a good step for the genre and if you get past the first few hours of the game you will really enjoy the experience. Now we can only hope for a sequel.