User Rating: 1 | E.T.: The Extra Terrestrial 2600
Wow. This makes Superman 64 look good. In fact it makes it look like a god. This game is that bad. But let's cut to the chase. We all know that from nearly everyone's opinion on E.T. that it was a brilliant film. It was family friendly and had a very good story to match up with it. Now when everybody heard that there was a game coming out of E.T. for the ATARI 2600 and there was a commercial to tease it, I know that everybody wanted to get it. It sold over 1 million copies and it did sell well. But that was the problem. The game was actually one of the biggest disappointments of all time. Nearly all the people who bought it and played and completed it said that it was "Just plain negative!" and some of them even dumped their copies in the wilderness. So I decided to play the game myself. I just laughed at it in horror. This game is the most abysmal and horrendous game of all time! Officially! E.T. is just a green glob with black dots for eyes and the game is so easy that you can complete it in under 1/2 and hour! IF YOU KNOW WHAT TO EVEN DO IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! There is no tutorial in this game and even worse is the gameplay! The gameplay is that you're E.T. walking around collecting parts of the telephone E.T. has to phone home on and avoiding humans who try to catch you! And when that's finished you go home! AND THAT'S IT!!! Graphics are horrible in this game as well and even its sound effects are infamous! Avoid this game as much as you can and I doubt that you'll even come across it any more! I'm giving this game a 1.0 out of 10 because of its horrible gameplay and graphics!