Welcome alternative from Tony hawk

User Rating: 5.5 | ESPN X-Games Skateboarding PS2
While waiting to recieve Tony hawk american wasteland for Xmas last year , i went looking around for this title Espn x games skateboarding....
I had read the reviews for years about how "bad" and how it was nothing next top the tony hawkl games.
i found it for quite cheap second hand. so since i couldnt wait for my next tony hawk game , i popped this into the ps2 and had a play.
first off the presentation was very good , but without gameplay i guess that means nothing.
reading reviews i was looking forward to the X games mode , since i was so fond of the Competion modes in tony hawk 1. so that was what i played first and it took awhile to get use to the controls , and i kept bailing sometimes for no logical or visual reason. so i tried the free ride mode in the only level i had unlocked witch was san fran.
Unless there is some secret areas to this level.....the level was quite small , i wouldnt say boring ... it didnt have any huge ramps or obvious rails around as in tony hawk , but this is what i was looking for in an alternative levels that look like real places , without ramps every place you go.
The level although short was interesting, But the controls most times unresponsive made me bail and trip over so much i could not get a good line going.
Frustration kicked in again on the x games mode where i would do the best run possible with the controls given , but would always place last.
so i did what any Tony hawk fan in 2005 would do , i gave up . put the game away. and waited the extra couple of days for american wasteland.

overall this game was a fun alternative for awhile , but after the novelty of new skaters , new models and realistic levels wore off( thanks to the controls) it was time to go home to tony hawk.