Tons of fun! Best hockey game you can buy for um 15 bucks!

User Rating: 9 | ESPN NHL 2K5 XBOX
So in conclusion I give this game 2 thumbs up. Fun and excitement every time! So Grab a friend or a homeless guy and play some hockey!

This game has it all except some things. I didn't expect these things to be here anyway because it's not a first person shooter. This game could really use split screen action in the insanely cool shoot out mode. And the goalie could use more controls besides poking with his magnetic stick. But it is funny. You don't even know what I am talking about. I probably lost every single one of you. Ramble ramble.

The graphics are good when its not messing up. By messing up I mean clipping. It doesn't take away from the gameplay and it adds a lot of humor. So there is no big complaint here. Pretty.

If you have a choice of which side you play on and want to be a little more depressed than you are right now, pick the away team. The music and sound effects that they recieve for scoring is like halloween music. There is no celebration and the crowd is always booing you. But if you have a creative imagination, they are cheering with rage!!!!!! The other sounds in the game that I haven't talked about, although I really haven't talked about much in the first place, is well done. I like it when I punch the guy in the face and yell booyah into my friends face!!! It really adds to the excitement of the game.

Fun fun fun!!! That's what this game is. the game speed and play is fully adjustable and is right on!!! I guess I mean it is right on after I adjusted the settings. But yes even though ramble ramble the game play is great.

NHL 2k5!! There are so man thing I have to say about this game. It is a very enjoyable experience to play a game that is made this well. Here are a few examples.