This is the FUNNEST nhl game ever. Its the most realistic nhl game i have ever played. BUY THIS GAME

User Rating: 9.4 | ESPN NHL 2K5 PS2
wow this game is incredible. The game play is remarkable. You can choose a varity of different controls intermediate to advance that allows you to do so many relistic things.

In my opinoin the controls are awsome. If you have the controls on advanced you hit L1 and square to do a slap shot and L1 one and triangle to do a slap shot that you aim where it is going which is sweet. You can also hot L1 and use the right analog to sway your stick side to side when you are a defensmen.
My favourite new thing you can do in this game is uses the R3 analog stick to hook ,trip, and elbow.

The graphics look pretty good also, especially when you deke out the golie or do a slap shot and see it in replay. I think the best thing that looks the best in this game is the checking. When you check your player does different things, you take there legs out causeing them to do a flip, you punch them in the face knocking them on there ass, and you can just flat out nail them through the glass and over the board. Also there is a knew fighting engine in this game, you now can move around the ice, doge, grab on to them, taunt, jab, and my favourite uppercut.

The soud in this game is not all that great. But once you play around with the options you can get it to sound pretty good.

The value of this game is good to because there are tons of mini games and extras. Also you can get tokens by achieving diferent goals to buy codes ,hockey rinks,jersy's, and teams made by nhl stars.

In my conclusion this is a must buy game. Trust me there is so much in this game i could not cover it all. Mayby its just the fact that i play hockey and i like or mayby its because you can knock the referee on his ass, but i think this game is phenomenal.