I love this football game, in my opnion i think this is the best football game that is still out there!

User Rating: 9.1 | ESPN NFL 2005 PS2
For the most part this game i love the big hits, the long runs, the deep throws, its all awsome. My team is probably the worst team, my team is the Sanfansico 49ers, but i still love that team they already have 5 super bowl rings so i'm happy. The graphics in this game are awsome the funny things that i like about this game is how they dance in the end zone when they get a touch down. The sounds are really good because when you about to hike it you here the other team saying stuff to throw you off and i think that is pretty funny. The game play is very good,but it has very,very minor gamplay problems with it like hands going into other players bodies and stuff along that line. But all i have to say about this game is that it is loads of fun!