One of the best football games that I have ever played.

User Rating: 9.5 | ESPN NFL 2K5 XBOX
When I first played this game on XBOX I thought WOW. It is the last one in sega espn football series and the best. The graphics are crisp and gameplay is fluent. The only thing that I don't like is how you have to keep pushing the A button to make the guy your controlling run. It feels slightly bulky and out of rythm. One of the things that I enjoy the most is the presentation. Chris Berman's pre-game, half-time, and postgame show make this game truely just like a Sunday Night Football Game. I don't care much for the kicking system and how it moves when your not kicking a field goal. Madden has a much better kicking system. Before 2005 sega has made a few games that just came up short. This one definitly dose not. I also like how you can choose a play during hurry up but it sometimes dose not give you enough options. I haven't tried out that many game modes but this gae has great gameplay,commentary, graphics, and presentation. However this game could use a little bit of tweaking. When sega sold it's rights to 2K Sports I wish that they would continue to make versions of this game. Who knows what another version would look like.