Madden? What's that?

User Rating: 9 | ESPN NFL 2K5 XBOX
Through the years every single time someone has said football and video game in the same sentence it was about Madden. Well hello ESPN 2K5.
Not only is this a better football game all around then Madden 05, I would say it is also better then 06 and 07 as well. First we will begin with graphics,
AMAZING. If this game had no cover i believe you would have a hard time believing it was made in 2005. Second is gameplay. I would descibe ESPN 2K5 as finesse. Unlike in Madden the tackling system is mellow. You don't feel like you completely killed the man after you tackled him. This could be a good or bad thing depending on the person playing the game. And the last thing I will talk about is sound. I believe this game already already has a good set of songs on it but there is more. If you want to get a little more creative you can put some your own songs on the game.You can play each song according to the mood. Say one for a touch down, another for a turnover, and so on.
Basically this game is pure amazing. If you want to get a different feel form Madden go pick up this. It may be old but I still find myself playing it while Madden 08 sits in the corner.