The Best Game in the series

User Rating: 9.2 | ESPN NBA 2K5 XBOX
ESPN NBA 2K5 is once again the best NBA game out there. The game is a huge improvement from last years game. The graphics is the best seen in any sports game ever. There is so much detail in the jersey, player models, Everything in this game looks good. The Gameplay is the main factor of the game. When u play it feels like a NBA game. There's not much improvment in 24/7 mode. Just more items and the training sessions are quicker. The franchise mode is a good improvement. They added New Player Personalities. Which is kind a like smackdown season mode. A player walks up to you and tell you his current feelings for the team and you give him a answer to make him feel better and bring team cemestry up. If you give him a comment that upsets him the team cemestry goes down and it will effect the teams play. A other new edition to franchise Is full authority which test your coaching skills. You can set your play each quarter deside who get the ball more and who shoots and assigning defense adjustment to each player. Of Course The Presentation is well done. Overall This is the best NBA game since NBA 2K1. If u buying any B-ball game buy NBA 2K5. dont waste money on live.