The idea of the game is there as is the drama for the most part, but the medical procedures are missing from the ER game

User Rating: 8.8 | ER (2005) PC
In terms of Legacy Games, well, we all know they've kinda' slumped. This is very good compared to their most recent games, but it lacks a lot of things that make ER entertaining. The first thing that bugs me is the only characters there from the show itself are Lewis, Carter, Pratt, Haleh, and Jerry. Everybody else was created off the top of their head. The game consists of 1 hour long "episodes" (levels) and I'm on the 5th of about 6 or 7 (as far as I heard). The game has kind of been dumbed down and a bit out of proportion for what you can and can't get a game over for. The objectives on treating patients that the doctors say they want you to treat are always firable if you don't curbside them to another doc if their vitals get too poor, but if you get the call and have no composure and are in the gym and the patient only has 2.5 minutes for treatment and you pump iron, but don't finish treating the patient in time, you still lose. You can get a game over for being late for a meeting, and even for letting your motives slip too low multiple times. Also, the treatment lacks the medical procedures, the patients have vitals on a scale from 1-10, 1 being the easiest and fastest to treat 10 being so unstable that you have to try to revive him and a second later he dies. Also, when you're treating patients it's mainly luck, you just click the patient and your doctor gets to work and you hope the counter goes to 0. The drama is lacking a bit between missions (when you're just triaging and treating), but otherwise the drama's there. I love it, but I'm a die hard fan, I'm just trying to give a fair review based on the facts I got from my observations. Give it a try though.