I loved this game, not enough people got it though!

User Rating: 8 | Empire Earth PC
I'll just some up what I thought about this game into different parts:

Graphics: For their time, they were pretty good. The units arent really 3d though, they are just made up of different 2d sprites glued together. Nuke explosions are friggin sweet, if you are looking right at ground zero, the whole screen turns white enough to blind you, so make sure you looki away! The terrain also look awesome. 8/10

Sound: Sound and unit acknowledgements are pretty good, except in the campaign. The voice acting is downright terrible. The sound that happens when an atom bomb explodes though is great, its a mash of screaming and tank explosions caught in the blast, along with the bomb explosion itself!

Unit diversity: Huge load of units, eah having strengths and weakness's, for example tank massers will realize that their tanks may as well be useless against buildings, and as they are pulling back, 2 or 3 A-10 Thunderbolts will come and destroy their whole tank army!

AI: This is what makes the game hard. The computer cheats!!! Even on easy it gets resources faster, out of nowhere, builds units faster, and also gets units seemingly out of nowhere! It will also rush you with aircraft before you have even gotten enough resources to build an airport yet!
However, the computer is smart, and will attack your units with their weaknesses and will also use tactics.

I give the game an 8.