Empire Earth is without a doubt one of the best RTS games ever made!!!

User Rating: 9 | Empire Earth PC
The Good When I first played Aoe 2, i thought it was a pain that the game was so limited in it's timeline. So, the minute I saw EE, it was love at first sight. (well, you know what I mean). The intro was really cool. I just like the feeling of traveling from neanderthals with clubs, to macemen, to archers, to crusaders, to simple gunmen, to musketeers, to doughboys, to tanks, to planes, to cybers.It is AWESOME!!! Every two epochs is a self-contained RTS game. The main goodness of the game is the random maps, there are just so many different ways to do your game. If you set it on gigantic, be prepared for the ultimate battle.
The Bad
The people who designed Empire Earth probably were not trying to make a hint of a good campaign. The cutscenes alone make the campaigns horrible. The people speak with such a accent it wanted to make me sick. Also, it zooms in to the soldiers whcih you should NEVER do. Also, resource gathering takes a loooong time. But, since there is a large pop cap. that doesn't really matter. But the most annoying part of the game is the sound. The music is reallly cool, but when a guy dies they make a disgusting gasping/ choking sound. It's ok at first, but after a while the gasping/choking sound made me want to rip the game in half.
Summary: super-cool game, as long as you turn the volume down and don't zoom in to the units.