This game has nothing. NOTHING. Play EE2. This is a stripped down $5.00 game.

User Rating: 4 | Empire Earth III PC
Don't bother. There is nothing special or fun about his game. It fails at providing any worthwhile gameplay by comparison to it's predissesor. It is just too dumbed down. I went straight to skirmish and had the game mastered in about 30 minutes. Just a bad sequel and an uninspired RPG. Oh and the attach and build animations are lame lame lame. Bad Sierra no donut. It is EE2 but stripped down far so that it feels like a 5$ game with everything except for the HD intro. One of my biggest grips with this game is there is just no action in the game. No economies of scale. You will have no trouble managing your troops in the game because you only get about 30 active at any one point. Also the gatherers require no management whatsoever so the game basically plays itself. There are almost no upgrades in the game, and the difference in ages makes little difference and is very easy to obtain.