An ugly, dull, and truly uninspired third installment of the Empire Earth series.

User Rating: 5.5 | Empire Earth III PC
The previous Empire Earth's were a strange breed of RTS. They combined a mess of units from different eras, and they inspired other love or hate. Since then, critics have been praying for some leniency to simplify the series, and they got exactly what they wish for. Funny how these wishes can have the habit of coming back and biting you on the ass.

For Empire Earth to truly compete with the like of Rise of Nations and the Age of Empires, a lot of the junk that cluttered the old prequels had to be removed. The designers decided to remove the old civilization model and move it towards you controlling entire regions. These regions are the Western, Middle Eastern, and Far Eastern empires that command their own significant products of their cultures. The westerner's are all about high expenses and high quality products. The middle-east folk are more about their hit-and-run tactics. And the Far East deal in hordes of infantry. Unfortunately, the West and East do not differ greatly; it's only the middle-east that seems to stand out. And that, is only the start of the problems.

The world domination mode is a bit redundant and feels far too easy, and its certainly makes it an easier trip thanks to the less than impressive A.I. The units for the factions are quite odd, and don't feel right at all. To top it off, the unit acknowledgement is seemingly unfunny and annoying.

Critics got what they wished for, but its a text book example of messing with what was a previously good formula. Empire Earth is shallow, and unfortunately will not appeal to many people.