Emperor of Fading Suns is a cross between Dune and Civilization with a twist of Command and Conquer.

User Rating: 7.5 | Emperor of Fading Suns PC
A friend turned me onto Emperor of the Fading Suns in 1999 and it was pretty tough at first. One thing this game definitely has is a heavy learning curve, but once you have the hang of it, it can be laughably easy.

Gameplay - 9/10
The strategy is pretty complex in EFS, most of your time will be spent between micromanaging each of your planets, your armies, diplomacy, researching, and trading for resources. As the game progresses, turns will go from taking minutes to taking hours to finish. This isn't a flaw however except in the case of multiplayer capabilities, which it basically eliminates.

Graphics - 4/10

The graphics while not really necessary for a strategy game, bad ones do tend to detract from the overall experience. EFS was revolutionary in it's scope however it wasn't too difficult to find better graphics in most games that came out around the same time.

Sound - 4/10

EFS has no music, the only sounds experienced in the game are sound effects of the different units which weren't very impressive.

Value - 9/10

EFS is definitely worth the money (Easily found on the internet for under 3$) if you are interested in long strategy games or if you enjoy playing retro computer games.

Reviewer's Tilt - 8/10

I would recommend Emperor of Fading Suns to anyone that enjoyed the Dune book series especially because there are many themes that run through both of them. Grand houses lead by an Emperor, a galaxy slowly falling apart (or at least unstable), and 3 large positions that control the power in the galaxy.Try this game out if you have a bit of spare time and you won't be disappointed, just don't expect a blockbuster.