I keep going back after 23 years

User Rating: 10 | Elite C64
It's the big one that many try to copy - but no-one will better. Summer 1985 brought a new experience to my life that few have even come close to nearing. A mix of space combat and cerebral gaming - it was the 'next big thing' that's never been beaten. The concept is so simple - and yet keeps you coming back for more. Many a dark winters night, or dark winters weekend (and - then - one whole summer) was spent trundling computers to an anarchy world and then trying to bring the least illegal thing back to the tech world you just came from. The dread of dropping out of hyperspace into the 'wrong company' - or worse... Sure it was just a collection of lines and dots... but to many - it was a way of life. The sheer scope of the gameplay. The quest for ratings. The thirst for power and money. The temptation to be a little more dangerous than you were really comfortable with... Sheer bliss.