elf bowling 1& 2 is boring

User Rating: 3.3 | Elf Bowling 1 & 2 DS
I so Bord by this game that its probably lost some were.
got sick of the game after 2days

DESCRIPTION:Several years ago, internet surfers became addicted to a simple little game called ELF BLOWING. Now, Ignition brings the fun little game to the Nintendo DS with ELF BOWLING 1 & 2 just in time for the 2005 holiday season.The original ELF BOWLING has players, as Santa, hurling their bowling ball down the alley at a group
using them in a game of shuffleboard. Even though they’re out of the cold North Pole, the warm sun hasn’t warmed the elves’ personalities. They still laugh and mock Santa as he plays. The ally and shuffleboard both spread over the dual screens of the DS, and players can use the touch screen to position Santa and launch the ball or elf. ELF BOWLING 1 & 2 is a great way of reliving the addictive craze of the original internet game. Players who found themselves wasting hours with the jeering elves will have to grab a copy of the new DS version.