Perhaps the worst game ever created on a gaming console, and yes I've played i borrow this from........

User Rating: 1.1 | Elf Bowling 1 & 2 DS
Perhaps the worst game ever created on a gaming console, and yes I've played i borrow this from a friendElf Bowling 1 and 2 are fun flash games on the internet, unfortunately, the DS version sucks. First off, they did no graphical upgrade, No sound upgrade, no gameplay upgrade, in fact all they did is give you two big piles of crap mashed into one. such laziness in presentation is unexcusable, they literally spent 5 minutes on this port. I honestly doubt the developers have even seen a DS as the game feels cheap and poorly thrown together. Their was a lot they ould have done with this game, the premise is amusing, Santa is sick of the Elves complaints so he goes outside with a bowling ball and knocks the crap out of the elves. To think what could have been, instead we get a hastily thrown together compilation of two lame games.