If mOOse is the fruit of monkeys than this is your mOOse.

User Rating: 6.1 | Elf Bowling 1 & 2 GBA
Gamplay:Whats better than bowling with santa. ??? A lot of stuff is but bowling with santa is still pretty cOOl.

Graphics: Cant complain. Could of been better.

Sound: The sound is wicked..!!

Value: this game is pretty valuble. NOT very valuble but pretty.

Tilt: If you leave in it your Nintendo "DS" (Dual-Screen). It probably wont tilt unless you hold it upside down (180 degrees) then it will tilt a bit more, but if you leave your "DS" (Dual-Screen[ two{2}screens{rectangles} ] ) on the floor it wont tilt unless your floor is slanted.

Overall: If monkey is the fruit of bananas. This should be your game if your a banana. But just be chill because I am sure there are many more "great" titles on the "DS"(Double spit {Dual-Screen[Deux- ercan]}) that are already out.